Automatic job filtering & real-time notifications

Built-in CRM for job postings

AI generated job proposals

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Our Features

Never miss an opportunity

Manage and send job proposals within minutes on multiple freelancing platforms and increase your success rate

  • Built-in CRM
  • One-click Proposals
  • Real-time Notifications
  • AI Generated Proposals
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Personalized Insights

Trusted by 250+ Agencies in whole world

Included Capabilities

Streamline operations and increase conversion rate


Build and manage your applications funnel with ease on multiple freelancing platforms.

  • More replies

  • Better conversion

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Active user from agencies and companies all over the world
Active user from agencies and companies all over the world
(1,354) Positive Rating
(1,354) Positive Rating
  • Get More High Quality Freelancing Jobs
  • Save Time Creating Job Proposals
  • Easily Manage multiple freelancing platforms

No hidden charges!
choose your plan.
Save 30% if you pay Annually

Free Plan

Suitable for freelancers and contractors testing the app.


  • 2 AI proposals/day
  • 1 team member
  • 1 connector
  • 10 notifications/day
  • Improved AI Prompts
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Personalized Insights
Purchase Plan

Standard Plan

Ideal for new freelancers and contractors.

$8 / Monthly

  • 10 AI proposals/day
  • 3 team members
  • 1 connector
  • 60 notifications/day
  • Improved AI Prompts
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Personalized Insights
Purchase Plan

Professional Plan

Enhance your freelancing journey. Ideal for solo freelancers.

$40 / Monthly

  • 40 AI proposals/day
  • 5 team members
  • 5 connectors
  • 250 notifications/day
  • Improved AI Prompts
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Personalized Insights
Purchase Plan

Teams & Agencies Plan

Ideal for teams of freelancers or agencies.

$145 / Monthly

  • 150 AI proposals/day
  • Unlimited team members
  • Unlimited connectors
  • 800 notifications/day
  • Improved AI Prompts
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Personalized Insights
Purchase Plan

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